Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Check out Scott Cupp's New Column at SF Signal

SF Signal: Geek With (Lots of) Books: The First Step is to Admit You Have a Problem: "Hi, my name is Scott and I am a bookaholic. Chances are you are too.

It's been two years since I last sold my collection. It's been a tough two years. I mean, one day I'm sitting here looking at a complete collection of Philip K. Dick novels and stories, and the next day - zip! Nada! All gone. I watched as 19,000 volumes walked out the door. It took 10 trained packers over 6 hours to just pack them up. I wondered if I would ever miss them, where they would go, what families would have them to hold and cherish, would they love them the same way I did? It was devastating."


Richard Robinson said...

I can SO relate to this!

Bill, there's a piece in Lethal Interjection (forthcoming but in the mail today) on this very thing. Remember that 45 day no-book thing?

I'm sure George went through this too.

Richard Robinson said...

I linked this on Broken Bullhorn and also linked to this site.

Anonymous said...

We can quit any time we want to, right Bill?


mybillcrider said...

Sure we could. Hey, if Scott quit, maybe even Andy can quit.

Anonymous said...

Selling off the books I can understand bout a true sign of repentance is selling off the bookcases...
Oh, by the way real book collectors don't need no stinking book ends. They are in excess or requirements.
Bryan Barrett