Paris Hilton, cheetah girl: "A hotel spy tells us: 'Every time Paris saw something she liked, like a woman's dress, she would ask how much it was. That included a cheetah she saw at an animal park. She asked how much it was and said, 'If I bought a cheetah, would it run away from me or could I keep it?''"
I genuinely don't know what you make of PH, Bill.
That's the whole point, I guess. Her existence amuses me.
For many years a man named Al Oeming owned a private zoo - one of the really good ones - called "The Alberta Game Farm" near Edmonton. He'd also travel around the country speaking at schools, accompanied by his pet cheetah. The cat was completely docile which you can imagine is not the easiest thing when surrounded by kids. Apparently cheetah cubs are easier to domesticate as cubs than most of the big cats. The Ancient Egyptians kept them as pets and even used them for hunting, not unlike falcons. So Ms. Hilton isn't as totally out of it as it might first seem.
She's an instinctive genius.
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