Turns out that didn't bother us, though. The movie's very funny, very much in the vein of Greater Tuna and the sequels, with the same kind of quirky characters and some great lines. In fact, the transvestite, Brother Boy, seems to have studied the Tuna guys with avid intensity.
I looked up the movie in the Wikipedia just for kicks and discovered that it's a cult fave with the LGBT crowd, especially in the South. It's easy to see why.
The tag on the poster ("A Black Comedy about White Trash") doesn't really cover it, but it's close enough. If you like that kind of thing, this is the kind of thing you'll like. Quite a few people must like it because it's going to become a TV series this summer.
Don't see The Savages, however, at least not just now.
Just a friendly warning.
I read a review. I'll probably never see it.
The LGBT crowd? I'm out of the loop on that one.
Of course, the TV version might or might not've gotten greenlit w/o MY NAME IS EARL.
I hadn't thought of that, Todd. You're probably right.
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