When I was much younger I read every Edison Marshall book I could find, starting with CARAVAN TO XANADU, usually multiple times, with THE VIKING (basis for the Kirk Douglas/Tony Curtis movie) a favorite. (The '60s Avon paperbacks, and at least one earlier one, had James Bama covers.) It has been decades since I read most of them, but his EARTH GIANT--a re-imagining of the tale of Heracles--is on my favorites shelf to this day.
When I was much younger I read every Edison Marshall book I could find, starting with CARAVAN TO XANADU, usually multiple times, with THE VIKING (basis for the Kirk Douglas/Tony Curtis movie) a favorite. (The '60s Avon paperbacks, and at least one earlier one, had James Bama covers.) It has been decades since I read most of them, but his EARTH GIANT--a re-imagining of the tale of Heracles--is on my favorites shelf to this day.
Born in Rensselaer, Indiana! According to Wikipedia, served in WW1, despite having lost the thumb on his left hand.
Mike Stamm: THE VIKINGS is a Janet Leigh film. It is impossible for me to see it in any other light.
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