Tuesday, January 26, 2016

First It Was the Thin Mint Melee

NJ woman shoots man who was using her shovel to clear elderly neighbor’s driveway:  While walking back to his home, he was again accosted by the woman and three men, one of whom pointed a gun at the victim's head. At the woman's command, the assailant fired a single shot at the victim, striking him in the buttocks, the report said.


Rick Robinson said...

Why is there so much rage and hate in the world?

mybillcrider said...

Why can't we all just get along?

Don Coffin said...

"While walking back to his home, he was again accosted by the woman and three men, one of whom pointed a gun at the victim's head. At the woman's command, the assailant fired a single shot at the victim, striking him in the buttocks, the report said."

I'm thinking our shooters need more training...pointing a gun at the vic's head and hitting his butt? Apparently with very little distance between them??? And where did the second woman come from??? This story leaves way too much unanswered.

mybillcrider said...

I agree, Don. There's a novella here waiting to be written.

Don Coffin said...

Isn't there a writer around here somewhere?