Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Pie Fight!

Laurel and Hardy’s Battle of the Century pie fight reel is found: Over the weekend, it was quietly announced at the Library of Congress’ festival of “unidentified, underidentified, or misidentified films” that one of the most deeply mourned lost treasures in film history has reappeared. As reported by Pamela Hutchinson at Silent London, silent film historian Jon Mirsalis unexpectedly rediscovered the second reel of Laurel and Hardy’s 1927 film The Battle of the Century, lost for 60 years.


Fred Zackel said...

Wow. What this world needs is more pie fights. We take ourselves much too seriously. On a related note, thank you, Donald trump, for uniting America. (This pie's for you!)

Todd Mason said...

Trump's ride down the escalator to his microphoe was a perfect pie-"assassination" opportunity. Of course, he managed to splatter himself with his speech.