Sunday, October 06, 2013

I Suspect that Many of You Have Seen a High Percentage Already

50 Trashy Movies Everyone Needs to See Before They Die 


Randy Johnson said...

23 for me, though some I wouldn't consider trashy. Just not top ranked.

Anonymous said...

Is s35 out of 50 "a high percentage" and where is the classic GATOR BAIT?


mybillcrider said...

Jeff, I thought you'd have seen all of them. GATOR BAIT isn't trashy. It's high-class stuff, so naturally it wasn't on the list.

Rick Robinson said...

I've seen just 2 of them. Guess I was too busy reading Shakespeare, Tolstoy and Kant.

Deb said...

I stopped counting at about 30, but I've seen the vast majority. I've hosted several parties where we watched "The Oscar" and the guests gave it the MST3K treatment.

But where is that modern classic, "The Room"?

mybillcrider said...

Nobody needs to see THE ROOM.

Anonymous said...

The NYT Book Review this week had a long piece on THE ROOM in Michael Ian Black's review of THE DISASTER ARTIST, about the movie. Sounds really bad.

It's been decades since I saw THE OSCAR, Deb, but Tony Bennett's "performance" is burned into my brain.


Deb said...

Playing the Jewish-Irish Hymie Kelly, Bennett (as they put it in the excellent compendium, BAD MOVIES WE LOVE) made his simultaneous debut and exit from the movies.

Fred Blosser said...