Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Yeah, Right, It's the Dry Weather. That's It. blog: "In the five months after Houston voters forced city officials to turn off a camera surveillance system that fined motorists for running red lights, traffic accidents at those 50 intersections with 70 cameras have decreased 16 percent, according to recently released data.

The drop in accidents surprised Houston police administrators who say a possible explanation is the unusually dry weather during recent months has made driving conditions safer. They also wonder if years of electronic monitoring have made Houstonians better, if not more cautious, drivers."


Bud said...

Old cynical me thinks the "administrators" were "surprised" because the data came out before the books could be cooked to obtain the "correct" result. For our own good, of course.

Marsdon said...

According to a friend who works for one of our county supervisors, rear end collisions here at intersections with red light cameras are up 23 % as people make panic stops to avoid the $500+ tickets.