Monday, March 07, 2011

Seepy Benton Knew this Already

Toronto Sun: "Long before the modern hippy discovered them, magic mushrooms -- hallucinogenic fungi -- were used by ancient humans in religious ceremonies.

Cave paintings discovered in Spain depict fungi with hallucinogenic properties in relation to religious rituals.

According to a report in New Scientist, a row of 13 small mushroom-like objects in the painting also match the known size and shape of so-called magic mushrooms, called psilocybe hispanica.

The report notes, however, that these are not the oldest representations of magic mushrooms used by people. A similar mural in Algeria dates the practice as far back as 9,000 years."

1 comment:

Seepy Benton said...

If they were like me, their #1 high was "recreational math!" (-:still legal in most countries:-)