Needle's first issue isa solid outing, and I mentioned Hilary Davidson's story in an earlier post, but if you like hardboiled crime tales, you can't go wrong with any of them, though. I believe that one of them, Dave Zeltserman's, is a reprint, whereas the others are all originals.
You can't find the magazine on the newsstand, but you can buy it on Lulu. It's a classy production, from the cover to the interior illustrations to the contents. Check it out.
Mine is waiting to be read. I'm looking forward to it.
Bill, I read your post and rushed to Lulu. Question is a subscription available?
Lulu wants $4 postage on top of the $7 magz price to order one issue. Looks like another case where the online vendor makes more $ on the shipping than the product.
Chuck Emerson
Chuck, give this a try: Use coupon code FREESHIP at checkout and receive $3.99 towards your final shipping cost. This amount is the US mail cost for a single book order. Please note: there will be a shipping total listed on your order receipt. This coupon code will reduce your final order total by $3.99, which is the US mail cost for a single book. Destination must be a valid US mailing address.
Thanks, Bill! You made my day. Interesting article in the NYT magazine at how common and respectable self-published books were becoming.
Can't afford to do it as am home on unpaid medical leave though I wish I could.
Thanks a bunch for the mention. Some great talent involved in that first issue. Heck, even more coming in issue number two this summer. Really glad you liked it.
Amusingly, Lulu added a bogus level of Pennsylvania state tax to my order, but $7.49 is acceptable, for a little magazine these days (hell, the double-issues of the Dell/Penny/Crosstown magazines are $7 these days, aren't they? And a bargain as such things usually go...particularly when they have to pay those whomping big Crider checks...)(a very few obviously subsidized fiction magazines, such as THE NORMAL SCHOOL, run a bit cheaper with more expensive production, but not many...)(and POETRY, but they got a whomping big bequeathment from an heiress a few years back that's even more money than the Crider checks from Penny Press...or even three of them put together!).
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