Saturday, December 25, 2010

20 Worst Songs of 2010

How far out of the loop am I? I've never heard any of them.


Richard R. said...

I've only heard - and heard of 2 of them...

Brent McKee said...

The only one that I've heard part of is "Hey Soul Sister" and that only because it's been on some commercials. Can't say that it's too terrible.

Deb said...

Having teens & tweens in the house, I have heard a number of these songs--I can't say I think all of them are horrible (I actually like the way Nikki Menaj sings/raps), but I couldn't agree more with "Hey Soul Sister" being chosen as the worst song of the year. It was used in so many commercials, I got the feeling the group used the words of Krusty the Klown to guide them: "I will endorse this or any other product."