Thursday, November 04, 2010

Once Again, Texas Leads the Way

Sugar Land Peeping Tom: Intruder Watches Women Sleep - KIAH: "Women in one Sugar Land community are not sleeping so well. Police said a peeping tom has been sneaking into condominiums late at night and watching women sleep."


Fred Zackel said...

Always thought the peeping tom was the perfect twist to any TV show. For example, imagine a peeping tom with The Golden Girls, with Friends, with Hawaii Five-O, with CSI: Duluth, well, ever onward. The scripts seem to write themselves. Has Sheriff Dan ever had to deal with a serial peeping tom?

mybillcrider said...

Not yet, but if he does, you'll get full credit for suggesting it.

Cap'n Bob said...

Is that wrong? Should a man be penalized because women don't have sufficient secuity? I'm at a loss about this.