In a speech on the floor of the House last week Texas Rep. Louie Gohmert warned about an insidious plot by terror organizations to infiltrate the US with pregnant woman.
According to Gohmert, the plan is that women would give birth to terrorist babies who can then return to wreak havoc on the US once they come of age."
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.
I gotta tell ya, this guy had to have graduated from Clown College. He gives racists a bad name. I always wonder who the people are in his district. Do they all wear white sheets at night.? We have a Clown College grad of our own in Iowa, Steve King. I have to give him one thing--he's right up front with his racism, his insane conspiracy theories and his complete misunderstanding of the Constitution. We were talking about him in a bookstore one day and a guy said he was from King's district. I said Iowa has the highest rate for literacy, health, etc. etc. and how the hell did this district get on our map? He laughed and said (paraphrase) If you ever go there you'll see that it's a blighted land with people who hate the government exempt for social security, medicare, money for their district and help when their medicare doesn't cover their worst illnesses. Shit that's a perfect description of the Tea Party.
Of course, Baby-Making Terrorists would be a good name for a rock band.
What a tool! I know there are a lot of fools in Congress but Texas seems to have a higher percentage willing to make a fool of themselves in public than any other state.
PS - word verification - 'fartz'
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