Thursday, July 01, 2010

Corpse Flower Update

Titan arum (corpse flower) blooms in Berkeley: "Roses are red, violets are blue ... and then there's Titan arum.

Liver-colored, reeking of rancid animal flesh and obscenely phallic, Titan arum - affectionately called the corpse flower - is hardly the stuff of bouquets and love poems. It's more like the Godzilla of the plant kingdom: big, stinky and likely to traumatize small children."

Hat tip to Art Scott.
And here's a book about a corpse flower.


Randy Johnson said...

I've got that book and the other two that go with it.

Fred Blosser said...

And in Greye La Spina's classic INVADERS FROM THE DARK, cultivation of a gross-looking orchid is an occult tip-off that the Countess is actually a werewolf.