Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Wonder Woman Update

Wonder Woman Over the Years - ABC News

Hat tip to David Cranmer.


Graham Powell said...

"In recent years... her character has become darker and more complex."

Why is "darker" always "more complex"? More melodramatic, maybe.

Brent McKee said...

I'm not sure that the link between "darker" and "more complex" is always an essential one. The fact is however that the character is darker - she killed Max Lord by breaking his neck, and has increasingly embraced her warrior heritage. It is also a fact that the character has become more complex, with more facets of her character being introduced and explored.

Oh, and the costume? Don't worry about it, the thing has changed in the past (including the regrettable "Emma Peel" period that Gloria Steinem hated) and it will change back when the time is right. It happens to all comic book characters - remember Superman's blue phase?