Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Harry Whittington from Stark House

David Laurence Wilson provides the best, most complete Harry Whittington bibliography ever in this Stark House volume, and that alone is enough reason to buy it.  But, as they say on TV, that's not all.  You also get Wilson's fine introduction, in which he explains how he solved a mystery that's plagued me for 30 years.  He's uncovered the titles of Whittington's 36 soft-porn novels and the house names they were published under.

For me, this poses a problem.  Should I try to complete my Whittington collection by finding those 36 books?  Probably not.  The prices are already prohibitive, and they'll only go up as soon as dealers get the word of Whittington's authorship.  The books aren't even pure Whittington, and Wilson suspects that Whittington never bothered to read the printed versions.  I'd probably never read them, either.  But still, . . .  What to do, what to do?

I'd certainly read the three books in this volume, though.  What a bargain.  Three hard-to-find Whittington novels titles under one cover.  You just can't go wrong.  I've read two of them, and I have the third one, but it's in French, which I can't read.  Now that I have the English version, I'll be sure to read it soon.

There have been many great Stark House publications mentioned on this blog, but for me, this one tops them all.  July is the publication date.  Don't forget.  Better yet, pre-order it. You won't be sorry.


Juri said...

This is one of the most important books of the year.

But, damn, where's the film Whittington made: THE FACE OF THE PHANTOM? Seems to have been lost forever. But I still cherish a hope a print will surface...

mybillcrider said...

I agree about the book's importance, Juri. There's a bit about PHANTOM in the intro.