Saturday, March 28, 2009

I'm Looking for a College . . .

. . . that will pay me not to coach its basketball team. I'll charge less not to coach than Billy Gillespie will be getting from the University of Kentucky if the rumors about $6 million are true. I'm willing not to coach for a cool million, and even that's negotiable. Come on, athletic directors, give me a call.


David Jack Bell said...

Can I get paid not to write???

mybillcrider said...

I'm willing not to do that, too.

David Jack Bell said...

I'd like to make up for all the years I wrote and didn't get paid.

pattinase (abbott) said...

I'm willing to coach too. Girls' basketball though. Do the women still only play on half a court so as not to run too much? Can they only bounce the ball three times before passing it.

Cap'n Bob said...

Yes they do, Pattinase. The ball is also half the size of a regulation ball, the hoop is 20% larger and it's only six feet off the floor.

WV: Destr -- From the book and movie Destr Rides Agai

Aurora Orsini said...

Despite the settlement, it's probably good news that the guy has been having trouble getting back to work. Now the colleges know what they're getting into, and how much they can afford.