Sunday, October 05, 2008

No Wonder Cheech and Chong are so Smart

e.Peak (31/10/2005) news: science: Study shows marijuana increases brain cell growth: "ST. JOHN’S, Nfld — Supporters of marijuana may finally have an excuse to smoke weed every day. A recent study in the Journal of Clinical Investigation suggests that smoking pot can make the brain grow."


Anonymous said...

I think they said the same thing about masturbation.

Anonymous said...

it makes the brain grow but in the manner of, say, the way a baloon grows. it makes it swell, or i should say, makes it layer material onto itself the way erratic cell growth layered itself onto the surface of the elephant man. tendrils eventually weave their way to the surface through the empty hair follicles and writhe erratically across and above the surface of the head making one look a bit like a prenatal cthulhu. so the report really left a lot out, the way it was worded.