Thursday, June 07, 2007

World's Biggest Beatles?

Hoffman: I saw them standing there ... | - Houston Chronicle: "By KEN HOFFMAN
Copyright 2007 Houston Chronicle

I am proud that my city, in Texas, USA, is going to have an enormous sculpture of the Beatles sitting on its main highway. This is way cool.

Sculptor David Adickes will 'christen' his latest work (it's not an unveiling because the statues are too big to veil) Thursday night at his studio. His daughter Mary will smash a bottle of champagne across John Lennon's leg.

The 36-foot-tall sculpture of the Beatles will sit on his SculpturWorx Studio's front lawn on Summer Street near Interstate 10 and Taylor for three months, then move to property he owns on the south side of the freeway near the Shepherd exit.

Drivers will be able to see the Beatles for miles."


Cap'n Bob said...

Sounds like a good reason to drive down there. That, and the inevitable head-on collision.

mybillcrider said...

I see the Sam Houston statue this guy did all the time, and I've seen the Stephen F. Austin one several times. I'm sure I'll eventually see this one.