Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I'm on Mary's Side

New York Daily News - Home - Lloyd Grove's Lowdown: Higgins Clark caught up in copycat fight: "Did rich and famous author Mary Higgins Clark steal the story line for her 29th novel from a little-known Israeli writer's screenplay on the same subject?

Dalia Gal claims in a lawsuit that Clark's book, 'The Second Time Around,' recycled the plot, key scenes and characters, and even character names from Gal's screenplay about intrigue in the drug industry."


Anonymous said...

This is such BS. Like she knows about some script going around in Hollywood. And like the idea was so radical and original that the only way two different people could have come up with it is if one of them stole it from the other.

Yeah, right.

Anonymous said...

There are supposedly only SEVEN plots in the world, and Shakespear dealt with all of them. Hmmm, wonder if this guy is going to sue Shakespear?

Anonymous said...

Um, I think I read at least two versions of that basic story in my former screenwriting group. It had a weird history of parallel development. Two guys nearly split up the group over accusations of story theft over a similar thriller plot - each believing the other had "stolen" their MacGuffin.

It was a scientific breakthrough that had been on the cover of Time six months previously.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's how you make money as a writer. Sue the big names with deep pockets?

I think there are only so many plots out there, and I've become convinced we're many of us tuned into the same channel of the collective unconscious. It's inevitable many stories will seem similar, when there are so many being written.