Seventy-nine years old today. I wonder if he can still do that duck walk? One of the greats of my youth. "Maybellene," "School Days," "Sweet Little Sixteen," Roll Over, Beethoven," "Promised Land," "Carol," "Brown-eyed Handsome Man," "Johnny B. Goode," "You Never Can Tell," "Memphis Tennessee," "No Particular Place to Go," "Nadine." And more I can't remember right now. It wouldn't have been the same without him.
He's the granddaddy of Rock 'n' Roll and I love his music. When I fronted a garage band as a youth Johnny B. Goode was my signature song. Oddly enough, just yesterday I was wondering what Chuck was doing these days.
FUnny that you mentioned this, Bill, as "Brown-Eyed Handsome Man" has been running through my head for the last few days.
"Milo Venus was a beautiful lass,
She had the world in the palm of her hand,
She lost both her arms in a wrestling match
To win a brown-eyed handsome man,
She fought and won herself
A brown-eyed handsome man."
This just don't write 'em like that any more.
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