Thursday, August 19, 2004

Algis Budrys

When I attended the World Science Fiction Convention in San Antonio in 1997, Algis Budrys was one of the major guests. He's a writer I've always sort of kept up with, probably because he has an unusual name, but also because he wrote a story I'm really fond of. (More about that in another post.) And because I really liked the cover of the first paperback edition of Who?

At the WorldCon, one of the freebies was a copy of a Budrys short-story collection called Entertainment, published by the New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA). I didn't get a copy at the time because I didn't know about it. However, there were some copies left over, and they were given away at the recent Armadillocon. This time, I got one.

The stories in the book are from my Golden Age of Science Fiction, 1954-1958, and they originally appeared in the magazines I was devouring at the time: Astounding, Venture, The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, Infinity. So naturally I've been reading a few of them again. Ah, the nostalgic thrills.

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