Monday, February 29, 2016

First It Was the Thin Mint Melee

Two pregnant women fight over man on Valentine’s Day at Olive Garden  

Yet they say romance is dead.
Hat tip to Jeff Meyerson.


Jeff Meyerson said...

Next year both kids can celebrate their birthdays at Chuck E. Cheese.

Deb said...

CSB: I was helping out in the school office when a mother arrived to check out her daughter, "Jane Jones." So I pulled out the student's attendance card and passed it to the mom to sign. Mom looks at the card and hands it back. "No, this is the card for Jean Jones, that's my daughter's half-sister." So I passed mom the correct card to sign. When I got the card back, I compared birth dates. "Jane" and "Jean" were born nine days apart. I bet that makes for some awkward Thanksgivings.

mybillcrider said...

And possibly other occasions, as well.