Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Fountain Pens on a rebound

Fountain Pens on a rebound – an addict speculates why


Michael E. Stamm said...

Amen. I learned to write cursive in the second grade with a (cartridge) fountain pen, and gave it up for ball-points for 45 years or so...but now I carry a fountain pen with me to use in writing things I consider more important than most. Harlan Ellison travels, or used to, with a whole sheaf of fountain pens rolled up in the pockets of a velvet or velour sleeve, so he could go from one to another for book-signings...

mybillcrider said...

I have several that I don't use anymore. When I was a kid, long, long ago, we were required to buy a fountain pen in 6th grade (nearly everybody got an Esterbrook). I have a box of older pens that my grandmother gave me. I should have them refurbished, but of course I never will.

Anonymous said...

No thanks. I still remember them leaking ink in the pocket of my (formerly) white shirt.

Jeff (from the geezer bus)