Friday, June 14, 2013

Italo Calvino on Writing: Insights from 40 Years of His Newly Released Letters

Italo Calvino on Writing: Insights from 40 Years of His Newly Released Letters 


Todd Mason said...

Excellent. I've enjoyed reading Popova's (and, of course, Calvino's) work before, but it didn't occur to me to seek out a blog from her. An excellent introduction to that...Calvino has always seemed a thoroughly Right G, and I'm proud that my grandfather was born his countryman (there are plenty of fellow Italians, along with members my other ethnicities and citizenries, I can choose to be less proud of)(and they of me, of course).

mybillcrider said...

Popova runs an excellent blog, all right. I'm always glad to find something to link to there.

Todd Mason said...

And it's a gauge of my semi-consciousness entirely too often that almost everyone else thinks of her blog first. Which she solicits pledges for. Not a road I'd want to go down, but I suspect it's part of her daily bread The pro/am blogger divide.

mybillcrider said...

I'm definitely on the am side of that one.