Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Here's the Plot for Your Next Newspaper Reporter Thriller

Reporter Becomes Pimp After Having Pay Cut | The Frisky: "Newspapers had a tough time in the recession with many shutting down, cutting staff, or starting mandatory furloughs. Kevin Provencher, a reporter at the New Hampshire Union Leader had an interesting idea on how to weather the storm. He became a pimp. This week, he was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in jail for running a prostitution ring out of his local SpringHill Suites hotel."


Jerry House said...

Working for the Manchester Union Leader is actually great training for a pimp.

mybillcrider said...

Jerry, Jerry, Jerry.

Seepy Benton said...

What's the starting salary?

Bud said...

At least working for the National Enquirer would get one some useful contacts!