Cutthroat Island has everything: a treasure map, a vile villain, an even viler villain (Frank Langella, so far over the top that he can't even see the top), a not-so-bad but not-quite-good pirate leader (Geena Davis), a wise-cracking romantic foil (Matthew Modine, and, yes, he's no Errol Flynn, but then who is these days?), sea battles, land battles, escapes, storms, a monkey, sword fights, blazing cannons, explosions, and great, great stunts, many of which Davis and Modine do themselves. In fact, it has everything a pirate movie needs. Davis could face off against Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Keira Knightley and kick all their butts. Check out the trailer below.
To quote Langella, and to repeat myself, "I love this! I love it!"
Interesting coincidence or cunning plan that this followed the post on the Razzies?
Any movie that has the balls to use the 1812 Overture in its trailer gets points for nerve. But do you think advertising "from the director of CLIFFHANGAR" was likely to get people in the seats?
Also, I've always found Modine way too mannered an actor to really like.
He's okay in this one. Trust me.
I also love this film (as well as THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT). Geena Davis pulls off the action hero role well.
THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT is a classic of the first order.
That was the movie Geena should have gotten the Oscar for.
I'm with you, Bill. I thrill to this film every time I see it. Geena Davis is GREAT, both in this film and in The Long Kiss Goodnight (another overlooked film).
What a great choice. Count me among the kindred souls who love this movie, as well as THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT.
I still like KISS better, but I've definitely come around on this film after not liking it much on first viewing (and the unevenness of KISS is less pronounced here). Geena Davis definitely wouldn't need her archery set to dust the Disney crowd...she might've been, at this time, the closest correct answer to your question, Who is Errol Flynn these days?
I have friends who adore it so the audience is growing.
I like LONG KISS better as well, but I am a fan of this film though I think Renny could have cut it more.
And I love the pirate ship with the Finnish flag. Sisu! He always puts a reference to Finland in every film.
I loved this movie. Wanted sequels.
Yeah, this was pretty cool. Especially after getting used to her as Madame President on TV.
I thought this wasn't as bad as everyone said at the time (and it shouldn't have caused the bankruptcy of the studio), but I've yet to see it again. I think THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT is Harlin's best film, but that one I haven't seen again. That said I find Harlin's references to Finland boring.
A writer friend of mine, who's been in this business for over 30 years, told recently he has an unproduced screenplay by Harlin in one of his boxes.
I'll join the merry band - I like both Geena Davis films mentioned. Great action, adventure with twists and humour: in short,very entertaining!
Nik Morton
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