Sunday, September 27, 2009

All Righty, Then

For men's eyes only: boob-ogling good as 30 minutes in gym: "A study by German scientists showed that 10 minutes a day of ogling women’s breasts by men was as good at warding off heart disease, high blood pressure and stress as 30 minutes of aerobic exercise."

I was going to call this "The Stilwell Workout," but I thought better of it.


Cap'n Bob said...

Stilwell overindulged and his heart couldn't take it.

Jerry House said...

I'm going to live forever!

Seepy Benton said...

They're also good for hand/eye coordination.

Unknown said...

Just catching up.

But the Cap,n may be right. Else why would I have the defib? Of course, it has been turned off now, but still...

Anonymous said...

Those who know Steve well, and have heard him discourse on this and related subjects, will tell you that he strongly favors "perky" over "voluminous". There is, however, The Sarandon Exception.

Art Scott

Ted the Younger said...

I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the concept of the words "Stilwell" and "workout" in the same sentence.
Now, "blackout" . . .