Monday, February 02, 2009

A Long, Long Time Ago . . .


Anonymous said...

Fifty years ago. It seems like yesterday.

mybillcrider said...

I remember coming in from school and hearing Dick Clark give the new on Bandstand. He had tears in his eyes.

Anonymous said...

Hadn't heard that in a while and it's as great as ever. But I no longer agree with the sentiment, assuming I ever did. Rock didn't die in that 1957 plane crash--it thrived for nearly forty more years. The beginning of the end came when Kurt Cobain pulled the trigger in 1994 and we started the downward slide into hip hop, pop tarts, and the insidious influence of "American Idol". Now it's dead.

Cap'n Bob said...

I used to think disco killed it, but these days disco sounds like a vast improvement over what's airing.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't born yet when "American Pie" came out, but my grandparents were kids then, and they said it was a big hit.