Friday, May 23, 2008

From Michael Smith

re: ACE Image Library update notice- May 2008Hi,

Once again, it's the end of the semester (and academic year) - yeah - and I can get to fun stuff (i.e., writing HTML code and scanning ACE cover images). I also want to thank all the AIL users who have supplied new (or improved) cover images, publication data, or helped find some of the errors and corrections that a site of this size appears to accrue over time. I am continually working on this as time allows, so if I have missed a glaring error - please let me know.

The ACE IMAGE LIBRARY has had several new additions to the site. I have been trying to get a backlog of ACE POTPOURRI volumes scanned as well as catalogued and am finding that the ACE POTPOURRI section is getting a bit crowded and unmanageable. To this end, I have changed the front pages to the ACE sections by making them in a TABLE format where the user can select the particular Letter-Number series for their study. For the FIVE-DIGIT NUMBER series I have split them into batches (i.e., 00001 to 09999, for example). Hopefully this will make it more useful, although I recognize that it reduces the amount of browsing you can do at any one time. Let me know if this is working out for you.

Ace Potpourri

In my reading and snooping I have been bothered by the use of 'dos-a-dos' for the format of the ACE Doubles. I have pulled a bunch of book manufacture and publishing references from the library (oh, it's great to have a decent research library with a Creative Writing department that believes in good references). Thus, I have found (as some of you already know) that the proper term for the format of the upside-down, two cover, single spine ACE Double is tête-bêche. I have rewritten and edited the sections at this site based upon this new information.

I have developed several new pages for the ACE IMAGE LIBRARY. One page deals with a summary of the book format tête-bêche and dos-a-dos. In addition, on this page (accessed through the homepage of AIL) are the imitators of ACE Doubles. At this time this section includes TOR, Belmont, Signet, Galaxy Magabooks, and the single NESFA hardback. I have a few new tête-bêche volumes by independent small press (D. Nufer - The Mudflat Man/ The River Boys published by Soultheft Records) and one from Gollancz that I need to add (keep watching).

Another new page deals with the ADVENTURE stories of NICK CARTER published by ACE. I did this primarily as a counterpoint to the MAN FROM U.N.C.L.E. Page. Take a look and let me know if you have any that I do not have.

I have also updated the WESTERN Doubles and Singles pages with more images and information. Please note I am still missing a couple of the ACE Doubles in this group and would appreciate any assistance from the AIL users.

The genres of MYSTERY and SCIENCE FICTION (both ACE Doubles and Singles) have had additional images installed, especially in the five-digit numerical series. I have also been checking titles and Letter-Number sequence as I keep finding some odd-balls as well as a trend in the late 1980's for ACE to fail to keep to its numbering scheme (look at the 00001 series in SF for example). Please note that a lot of the ACE publication lately (last 10 years or so) has been in Fantasy and I am still placing them with the Science Fiction pages (in part because some of them are cross-listed).

I have been compiling more artist information as well as new images of the original paintings, drawings, illustrations, or preliminary drawings. I have been aided by many people who have allowed me to place these these on the ACE IMAGE LIBRARY site and I thank them again for their permission.

Lastly, I have acquired a bunch of Television spin-off/tie-in volumes and am playing about with a page directed to this ACE genre. If any AIL users have information on the ACE Charter (think this is related to the ownership of ACE by Grosset & Dunlap in the late 1970's and early 1980's) and ACE Tempo (think this is a juvenile/young adult imprint - some of the numbers correspond, but some do not) series, please let me know. I am also looking for a list of the 2nd series of ACE Special Editions edited by Terry Carr when he returned to ACE in 1982. I have a few, but not all of them and am trying to find a way to differentiate them from the 1st series with the cover art by Leo and Diane Dillon.

So, have fun. Remember, all errors are mine and any corrections are always appreciated.




Anonymous said...

Hey Bill, he missed the Nick Carters by you and me.


mybillcrider said...

You did a lot more than I did! Mine came out after Nick had moved to Jove Books.