Friday, August 17, 2007

Gator Update (Amateur Wrestling Edition)

Apparently there are gators all over Pennsylvania. | Dude, What? - Tourist Wrestles Gator in Penn.: "Joe Remenar is no Steve Irwin, but his last day of vacation was action packed when the Washington state resident and his family and friends spotted an alligator in a Pennsylvania creek Monday night.

A home video captured the gator sighting.

The group called police but the park closes at sunset, so there wasn't much anyone could do. '

All night I could hardly sleep knowing it was out here,' Remenar said. Remenar, his family and his Montgomery County friends returned Tuesday with a canoe, an old hammock, a rake and video camera.

Remenar tried to wrestle the gator and has a battle scar to prove it. 'How cool, bit by a gator,' he said."

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