Thursday, August 02, 2007

100 Eyes of the Mystery Scene Era

Mystery Scene: "Well, I did it. I sucked it up and pushed “SEND” and my article, “100 Eyes of the Mystery Scene Era” whisked it way to MS editor Kate Stine for inclusion in its 100th issue, which should be at fine newstands and bookstores even as I type. (It’s also available at the MS website, of course, where every back issue sold will result in a $5 donation to the New Orleans Public Library.)"

100. That's right. 100. And Truman Smith didn't make the cut. Man, that's embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

These were 100 P.I.'s who have appeared since Mystery Scene appeared in 1985. At first I wondered why no Jacoby or Delvecchio, but then realized the tike frame.


mybillcrider said...

Well, at least you have that to comfort you. Truman Smith came along during that time period.