Hi, folks - I'm very pleased to announce the Winners of the 2007 Derringer Awards for Excellence in Short Mystery Fiction.
First, I want to give my deepest thanks to Elysabeth Eldering, who volunteered to be a vote counter and, again, to judges who gave so generously of their time and energy.
The Winners are: FLASH STORY: "Vigilante" by Barry Ergang (Summer 2006, Mysterical-E)
SHORT-SHORT STORY - We have a tie: • "Four For Dinner" by John M. Floyd (Seven by Seven) AND • "Elena Speaks of the City, Under Siege" by Steven Torres (September/October 2006, Crimespree Magazine)
MID-LENGTH STORY - "Cranked" by Bill Crider (Damn Near Dead: An Anthology of Geezer Noir)
LONGER SHORT STORY - "Strictly Business" by Julie Hyzy (These Guns for Hire)
Congratulations to all of the Winners.
We all knew you had it in you, Bill. Congratulations. I've only read about 1/3 of the stories in the volume: yours is still on the top of the pile. I think I liked the blog project that started the series better though.
That blog story's gotten some good press.
Congratulations, Bill! It's well-deserved.
Thanks, guys. Who needs money when he has fame?
Hey, Bill...
Congratulations Bill! Much deserved.
Thanks, Sandra!
Old and ragged, but still a machine.
Well deserved, Bill. It's a great story.
Thanks, Livia.
Yeah, congratulations.
Much appreciated, Gerard.
Bill "Machine" Crider, you make us proud. Congrats!
I owe it all the the editor of Damn Near Dead.
Further congratulations! I gotta start reading Short Mystery again. And you geezers get off my lawn!
Let me add my congrats. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Thanks, Todd. I try to avoid lawns at all costs.
Right back at you, Steven. Big congrats on winning for "Elena."
Geezer noir rules! :-)
How true, Beth, especially among us geezers.
Congrats, Bill! (Sorry, can't think of anything funny to put in here.)
Thanks, Juri. (It's all right to be serious now and then.)
congrats, Bill, well-deserved!
Thanks, Dave.
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