Sunday, November 19, 2006


Variety 104.5 - Showbiz: "LONDON (AP) - Working for Britain's real MI6 spy agency is not quite like being James Bond, but the service does have a gadget guru like the 'Q' character in the movies, two agents said in a rare radio interview.

'There is certainly action, there is a lot of adventure and it's also quite glamorous - depending on what you mean by that exactly,' one agent, a woman, said during the BBC radio show.

She was not identified by name. 'For me, glamour has to do with contrast - one situation you might find yourself in and then being transported into something else.'

The chief of MI6 is known as 'C,' not 'M' as the character played by Judi Dench in the Bond films is dubbed, said the other agent, a man.

'He is 'C' and that's what the chief of the service has been called since it was established in 1909,' the agent said. 'We also have a 'Q' figure whose team is responsible for innovative technology and gimmicks and gadgets and things like that.'"

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