Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why Don't I Ever Have Great Ideas Like This?

Embarrassingly amateur video at link. - News - Candidate: Use Textbooks As Shields From School Shooters: "MINCO, Okla. -- One of Oklahoma's nominees for state superintendent of education has proposed a unique idea for protecting students from outbreaks of violence. Bill Crozier, a Union City Republican going against incumbent Democrat Sandy Garrett, said he believes old textbooks could be used to stop bullets shot from weapons wielded by school intruders. If elected, he said he would put thick used textbooks under every desk for students to use in self-defense. He gave Eyewitness News 5 a videotape showing he and others shooting weapons, such as an AK-47 and a 9 mm pistol, at books in a field near Minco. They conducted the experiment to see how far bullets would penetrate the books."

1 comment:

Writeprocrastinator said...

"Bill Crozier, a Union City Republican, said he believes old textbooks could be used to stop bullets shot from weapons wielded by school intruders."

Okay, a bullet-proof vest theoretically covers just over a third of your body. How much of your body could even the biggest atlas cover, if you're not Neo from "The Matrix?"