If you watched this video, you know that Fender Tucker is a fine guitar player. You can read about his music and his bands here, and you can listen to some music, too. But Fender's real claim to fame is Ramble House, a publishing venture dedicated mainly (at first) to reprinting every novel ever written by Harry Stephen Keeler. Inevitably, thanks to his dedication to preserving only the finest literature, Fender branched out. Now he's reprinting the complete works of Ed Wood, Jr. Each volume from Ramble House contains two classic novels. You might need to click on the pictures to enlarge them and see Fender's current offerings. Fender has given each volume a title, of which my favorite is the one that heads this post. Check 'em out.
Fender has attached a unique market niche. His heart and soul is in all these books. I got four books from him at ConMisterio including two by Johnston McCulley (two books featuring the Crimson Clown, a book by Keeler and a book about Keeler. The Woods would have been nice but time and money ran away from them.
I have one of the Crimson Clown books in the old format. Highly collectible, I'm sure.
Are the books in public domain or is there a copyright holder for the works Ed Wood?
For the works *of* Ed Wood, of course! (Or "Ed Wood's works", but that sounds a bit naughty.)
Just guessing, Juri, but I'd say public domain. I think Fender does only p.d. works, for the most part.
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