Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Richard S. Prather

Thanks to Steve Lewis at Mystery*File for this link to a great Richard S. Prather site. Check it out right now.


Dan said...

That's fun stuff. I went through a Shell period a few years back and bought a bunch of the books and blew through them one summer. Very enjoyable and I always wondered who could play Shell in a movie version. In their younger days Stacy Keach or Tom Atkins might've been able to pull it off. What 30-something actors today could be Shell?

mybillcrider said...

I can't think of anyone. I'm sure Hollywood would cast Ben Affleck.

Lee Goldberg said...

Sadly, I can tell you from personal experience that Hollywood doesn't seem very interested in Shell Scott.

mybillcrider said...

Too bad, because there's a great series of movies there.