Thursday, June 02, 2005

Trucker Bombs

‘Urine trouble,’ some states warn lazy truckers - Environment - "SEATTLE — Roadside litter comes in all shapes and sizes — from dirty diapers to syringes — but there's one category that out-grosses the rest: trucker bombs.

Most drivers whiz along the nation's highways largely oblivious to their roadside surroundings. But next time you are out there, take a closer look.

'As soon as you look for it you’ll see it,' says Megan Warfield, litter programs coordinator at Washington state's Department of Ecology. 'You just see them glistening in the sun. It’s just gross.'

They are trucker bombs, plastic jugs full of urine tossed by truckers, and even non-truckers, who refuse to make a proper potty stop to relieve themselves."

I particularly like the use of the word "whiz" in the sentence I emphasized above.


Anonymous said...

Yes, the "whiz" line was my favorite too. Do they just toss the "bombs" out the window? At least they aren't "bombing" other cars.

Anonymous said...

FYI--In Alabama, a motorist was injured when a trucker bomb was tossed from a rig, bounced on the pavement and smashed the windshield of his car.

Anonymous said...

The web site WWW.TRUCKER-P.COM/TRUCKER.HTM talks about the problem of truckers urinating directly into gallon plastic bottles while running down the road and then just tossing the bottles at rest stops or out of truck widows.

Airline pilots use these TRUCKER-P systems and so they are well tested and reliable. Pilots must sit for hours without the opportunity to go to the toilet and they don’t have the choice of waiting for a upcoming rest stop.

The danger for the truck driver peeing in a plastic bottle, after having pulled his pants down to reach his penis and stuff it in the bottle opening, while running down the road, is eliminated. Using TRUCKER-P equipment, the truck driver would attach a male condom catheter kit before starting out so this is already in place when he wants to urinate. These devices are comfortable and simple. As the holding bag costs about $10.00 or less, the driver will not be tossing the bag so easily. The bags are reusable and can be easily sanitized.