Thursday, November 09, 2017

William Blake: More than Tyger, Tyger and Jersusalem

William Blake: More than Tyger, Tyger and Jersusalem: William Blake did so much so well that it is difficult to label him. Therefore, we're going to let bookseller and William Blake expert John Windle summarise the incredible life and impact of this particular Englishman. "Blake is regarded as one of the greatest polymaths who ever lived: poet, songster, artist, printmaker, etcher and engraver, philosopher, and genius. He single-handedly created the first 'livres d'artiste' in his series of illuminated books in which text and artwork are inextricably entwined, starting a tradition in England that continues to this day.

1 comment:

RHovey, CA said...

"William fucking Blake?" is the quote.
Name the movie, baseball fans...