Tuesday, October 20, 2015

In the House of the Seven Librarians - A Short Story

In the House of the Seven Librarians - Uncanny Magazine  

Link via Boing Boing.

I really liked the story.


Todd Mason said...

Klages is a vet. Read her stuff before? I've read only a few.

SteveHL said...

The only new fantasy/science fiction I see regularly now is the various "Best of the Year" anthologies. The "Seven Librarians" was in a couple of these, and I began to look for Klages in later anthologies.

In 2012 she had a story named "The Education of a Witch" in a couple of "Best of the Year" books, including Jonathan Strahan's. I think this is the best, most convincing story I have ever read about why someone would choose to embrace evil. I think it's terrific and I recommend it highly.

mybillcrider said...

Thanks for the rec. I'm going to look for more of Klages' stories.

mybillcrider said...

The story is here. Good stuff.