Sunday, March 08, 2015

It's Even Worse Than You Thought

7 little-known side effects of daylight saving time: Springing forward can do a lot more damage than just making you sleepy.


George said...

There is nothing good about Daylight Savings Time. Yet, we keep doing it.

Jeff Meyerson said...

As I said, your government at work.

Here's one more from former NYC TRaffic Commissioner Sam Schwartz's latest weekly update:

Daylight savings time kicks in 2 a.m. Sunday! Monday is an Accident Alert Day, drive carefully - the cumulative effect of 4 million drivers in the metro area losing 4 million hours of sleep Sunday night means crashes are likely to jump by 17%. Make sure you're fully awake before hitting the road. My recommendation: get to work a half-hour later on Monday. Tell your boss Gridlock Sam wants you to arrive alive!


mybillcrider said...

And yet we keep right on doing it.