Tuesday, March 31, 2015

I'm Sure You'll All Agree

The Top 10 Henry James Novels

George Kelley is the James expert.  We'll see what he has to say.


Deb said...

Well, I'm no George Kelley but I am a bit of a James fan girl. My favorites:

1. The Golden Bowl

2. The Wings of the Dove

3. The Aspern Papers

4. The Turn of the Screw

I also love his short story, "The Real Thing", about an artist who hires a well-bred couple who have fallen on hard times to model for him and then finds that he can't paint them as anything but what they are.

Not a huge fan of Portrait of a Lady--I always get mad at Isabel for her romantic choices.

/When is the William Dean Howells revival coming? That's what I want to know. I'll have plenty more opinions when that arrives.

mybillcrider said...

I'm not a Jamesian, but I've read a lot of his novels. I'm fond of saying that the scariest thing about "The Turn of the Screw" is that the governess' writing style is exactly like Henry James' writing style.

Jeff Meyerson said...

I prefer James's shorter work (relatively speaking, at least) like Aspern and Turn of the Screw plus his non-fiction writing (travel, literary criticism) to his longer novels.


Elizabeth Foxwell said...

My post on Christopher Morley's spoof of Henry James has proven surprisingly popular...


mybillcrider said...

As well it should be.