Friday, October 31, 2014

First It Was the Thin Mints Melee

Cowboys fan destroys house after team's loss to Redskins  

Video is definitely NSFW.


Rick Robinson said...

I'd say that fellow has some issues. Maybe he should stick to My Little Pony books from now on.

mybillcrider said...

I used to get upset when the Cowboys lost, but not upset enough to damage anything. Or even care for more than five minutes.

Todd Mason said...

I like the smugness of the DC reportage around the video...when I had to put up with childish Foreskins fans sulking and snapping whenever "their" team lost or underperformed, to a greater degree than any other sports team fans anywhere else I've lived. (Philadelphians seem to have a fatalistic attitude about their local pro teams that seems at very least healthy in comparison...and none even have epithets as their mascot names. Wonder of wonders.)

mybillcrider said...

Let's not forget that it was in Philadelphia that they booed Santa Claus.

Todd Mason said...

Threw snowballs...or iceballs, and beer bottles. But, then, the drunks in question where there to see millionaires maim each other, not to see a halftime Santa, and they damned well wanted everyone to know it...that sort of rump of fandom (in all the senses it can be taken) is simply far less prevalent here than the ridiculously widespread identification with the DC team, which is one of the touchstones the non-Federales (or at least non-political-appointees) cleave to so as to distinguish themselves from the carpetbaggers, in this essentially one-industry urban/suburban center...

Todd Mason said...

This, or that, center which is DC, that is.