Once again, Will Murray expertly channels the style and headlong pace of Lester Dent to present another fine Doc Savage adventure. Doc and his men are all present, as is Habeas Corpus, Monk's faithful porcine companion. So is Cadwiller Olden, aka Monzingo Baldwin, a villain who might be familiar to longtime readers of Doc's adventures, who meets a strange fate.
The story is high adventure in the pulp tradition. There are mongol hordes. Battles in the air and on the land. Wild plane rides and narrow escapes. Captures and more escapes. Trains and planes crash. Heads roll!
The only thing missing here is some explanation of what Dent's part in the writing of the book might have been. An outline? A fragment? A jotted-down idea? Inquiring minds want to know. But don't let that little quibble stop you from reading the book. It's great fun all the way.
I'm falling ever further behind on these, I have four, maybe five, unread and I find myself pushing...the...mouse...toward...the..."buy" button.....
I have THE ICE GENIUS on order. Like Rick, I'm four or five Will Murray Doc Savage novels behind. They're stacking up waiting to be read.
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