Wednesday, July 17, 2013

First It Was the Thin Mints Melee . . .

Clerk beaten for not carrying 3XL tank tops 


Deb said...

I recently assisted with a fundraiser that involved t-shirt sales. The vendor provided sizes up to 5XL. I didn't think for a minute we would sell any in that size (do you know how big a 5XL is?). I was wrong--We ended up selling 28 5XL t-shirts!

mybillcrider said...

Those must be the size of a pup tent.

Kevin R. Tipple said...
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Kevin R. Tipple said...

I take a 4XL or a 5XL depending on how the shirt is made. I am six foot three and weigh 330. I am on the line for the "tall man" designation because, depending on the company or the store, I am either the smallest size they carry (in the big man's store) or they don't carry anything in my size because they don't go that big (mainstream) or they don't go that small.

Of course, a giant brain and incredible wit requires a scaffolding to move it around among you mere humans....
