Tuesday, October 23, 2012

What is the Most Annoying Sound in the World?

What is the Most Annoying Sound in the World? 


Jerry House said...

If you had watched the debates you wouldn't have had to ask that question.

Anonymous said...

What about Paris Hilton singing?

mybillcrider said...

Watch out, now!

Deb said...

The other night at a school meeting, a man sitting behind me clicked his ballpoint pen off and on rapidly for a full hour. At that moment, THAT was the most annoying sound ever.

/Followed closely by neighbor's barking dog that no one ever shuts up.

Anonymous said...

Deb, I'm with you on that. Our former (thankfully) next door neighbor had a huge dog. Normally it was content to just lie around all day, but whenever she left it home alone it would literally bark for hours until she returned. The other is those stupid car alarms. Most people seem to have gotten rid of them, but the few that have them and don't pay attention when they go off drive me nuts.


Anonymous said...

If we're talking singing, Paris sounds great compared to Yoko Ono.

But then, so does a barking dog...


Brent McKee said...

Special mention must be made of any recording of Terry Jacks singing "Seasons in the Sun." such recordings should be shot on sight for noise pollution.