Sunday, February 06, 2011

The U. S. Leads the Way

The 'conTROversy' over changing pronunciations - Telegraph: "In a study by the British Library, interim results suggest a third of Britons taking part now adopt the American-style “skedule” over the traditional pronunciation, which has a softer “sh” sound.

Other US pronunciations taking root, according to researchers, are “pay-triotic”, in place of “pat-riotic”, and “advertISEment”, instead of “adVERTisement”."


Deb said...

But I'm guessing "aluminum" is still "al-loo-min-i-um."

Karin said...

Deb, I bet that will be the last to go.

Toby O'B said...

It's the power of TV.... Back in the 70's there was a TV commercial showing a family on a road trip through middle America. The kids were hungry and the father told them they'd stop at McDonald's. The grandfather in the backseat was surprised. "They have a McDonald's in Beatrice, Kansas?" And the car reaches the top of the hill and there's the McD's just over the rise.

Well, the grandfather pronounced the town's name as "Beatriss", whereas the townsfolk said "Beatryce". But after the commercial had been running for awhile, the kids in that town started saying "Beatriss".....

Brent McKee said...

Canadians, as always are in the middle, though I fear we are sliding towards American pronunciations. Lieutenant is still officially Leftentant though many people are saying Lootenant (including me sometimes). It takes a bit of remembering to say shedule rather than skedulem and aluminium went before I was born if we ever said it at all. And of course the letter "Z" is preonounced Zed, not Zee, even if it does ruin the final rhyme of the Alphabet song.