The title character is dead when the movie begins (a hit-and-run accident), and some time after her death James Coburn invites the assorted characters to his yacht to play a crime-solving game. At first it's hilarious and fun, but then bad things begin to happen and there's a real murder to work on. I'm not sure how it all hangs together, but if you've never seen it, it's a lot of fun just for the all-star cast. They seem to be enjoying themselves immensely, and maybe you will, too. It was written by Stephen Sondheim and Anthony Perkins, so that's a bonus for you.
Only saw this once, when it was new, but I remember liking it quite a bit. James Coburn is always worth watching.
Great choice. We saw it when it first came out mainly because of the Sondheim connection but it was just the kind of clever mystery they don't make enough of, then or now.
Definitely tricky, twisty and played to the hilt by an accomplished cast.
Coburn and McShane (post Lovejoy, I imagine) make this tempting.
Evan--MacShane was pre-Lovejoy in this movie. Lovejoy was made in the 1980s.
The thing I remember about this movie was Bette Midler singing "Friends" over the closing credits. That may have been the first time I'd heard her sing.
I was suprised that Anthony Perkins scripted this. I recently heard of the movie LAST OF SHEILA and tracked down a Vhs about five months ago.
One of my favorite movies, must be a dozen times I've seen it so far. And James Mason has the best line of all - I'll leave it to newcomers to discover it for themselves.....
I saw it at a drive-in theater. It was so interesting I actually watched it.
One of the best movies nobody seems to know about. I caught it on late night TV as a teen. I was riveted and thus started my hopeless crush on James Coburn.
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