Friday, February 11, 2011

DAPA-Em, R. I. P.

If you read the blogs of some of my friends yesterday (this one, this one, this one, and this one), you know about the demise of the world's first (and only) amateur press association devoted to the discussion of crime and mystery fiction. I joined the merry DAPA-Em crew so long ago that I can't remember the year. It was probably around 1976 or so. Ever since then, I've done an issue of Macavity, my personal zine, every two months. It consisted of reviews and comments on the zines of the other members. I sent it to Art Scott, and had it put into the mailing, complied of the zines done by other members. In the 35 years or so I was a member, I never missed contributing to a mailing.

The apa and the people in it were a big part of my life for so long that I still can't quite believe I don't have to do another zine and that there will never be another mailing. As I thumbed through the issue, I saw any number of things I wanted to respond to, but this time I won't be able to. It's a weird feeling.

I made dozens of friends through the apa, and I've been lucky enough to meet many of them in person at Bouchercons and other conventions over the years. I hope to stay in touch with them now via e-mail and this blog, but it won't be the same. Something about the medium and the message.

The apa had a great run, though, and while I'm saddened that the run has come to an end, I'm grateful that my life was enriched by it and the people involved for so many years.


Anonymous said...

It must have been 1977-78, Bill, because I joined in 1977 and you came on board a couple (or so) mailings after me.

It's still hard to deal with.


Paul Bishop said...

Yikes!! Another icon falls. My entry, The Thieftaker Journals ran in DAPA-Em for a few years and I still remember the interaction fondly.

George said...

No more DEADLY PROSE, no more MACAVITY. As Bill Withers sang, "Ain't no sunshine when you're gone..."

Anonymous said...

No more MAZES, HOUND OF DR. JOHNSON, WILLING SUSPENSION, FINISHING KEYSTROKE, ESCAPE, LOOSE WHEELS, VORPAL BLADE... so many more. And of course, no more THE PERP. The sun has set on a grand thing, but when one door closes, another is bound to open.

Cap'n Bob said...

You were one of the quality members, Bill.

Evan Lewis said...

The King is dead. Long live the Prince, otherwise known as OWLHOOT.

Roy Bobbin Hovey said...

Fond farewell DAPA, and best wishes to all my old friends I enjoyed knowing for years through the APA.
Where did the time go? Cheers to you Bill!
Roy Bobbin Hovey, "Just Around the Coroner."

mybillcrider said...

Good to hear from you, Roy!