Sunday, October 24, 2010

50 States and the Movies that Define Them

50 states, 50 movies that define them


James Reasoner said...

I have serious doubts about any list that starts out by referring to TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD as "one of Harper Lee's famous novels".

mybillcrider said...

Those movie guys! Gotta love 'em.

Toby O'B said...

My general rule of thumb, usually applied to calenders: the one I'm interested in will be a disappointment. So it was with Connecticut. I would have gone with "The Stranger" or "Christmas In Connecticut", "The Stepford Wifes", even "Beetlejuice".

Mike Dennis said...

Great post. Great concept, too, the idea of each state connected to a movie. I didn't like a lot of the guy's choices, so I assembled a list of my own on my website. If you're interested, you can check it out at